I will raise up prophets to make conflicting pronouncements that inevitably will be garbled in transcription, resulting in mutually exclusive definitions of orthodoxy from which the open-minded will flee in dismay.

Sheri S. Tepper
About This Quote

The quote from Joseph Smith in the Book of Mormon, “I will raise up prophets…” is a reference to the numerous contradictions that will occur throughout history concerning what constitutes truth. In order to maintain an orthodox view of reality, people will be forced to adopt a view that is at odds with what others believe.

Source: The Visitor

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  2. He told us that nations of men fell into disorder, so nations of law were set up instead. He told us that nations of law then forgot justice and let the law become a Game, a Game in which the moves and the winning were...

  3. They will set aside what they have believed about the world, divesting themselves of all preconceptions, all judgments.... They will do it, then they will send their minds out to seek the truth.

  4. No sentimentality, no romance, no false hope, no self-petting lies, merely that which is!

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